Honey & Thyme Carrots


1.Peel & chop

Set your sous vide to 183°F/84°C

Peel and chop your carrots in way that is aesthetically pleasing. Avoid very thick pieces as this might take longer to cook.


2.Mix & sous vide

Mix your carrots with:

-2 tsp honey

-0.5 tsp water

-1 tbsp olive oil

-a few sprigs of thyme

-salt & pepper (be generous!)

Sous vide for 1 hour at 183°F/84°C.


3.Pan fry & serve

You can leave your carrots to cool & pan fry later when ready to serve or fry straight from the sous vide. Fry for about 5 mins until the carrots are glossy. Serve!

Note: you don’t have to pan fry but frying reduces the honey glaze so that it sticks to the carrots nicely. If you are not frying then I recommend adding 20g butter to the mix.