Miso & Honey Cod Loins


Step 1: Marinate for 30 mins

For 2 cod loins:

2 tsp Red Miso Paste (white is fine but has a less intense flavour)

1 tsp honey

2 tsp sesame oil

1 tsp soy sauce

Whisk these together & slather on the cod loins.


Step 2: Sous vide at 131


°C for 20 mins

Use the ‘water immersion’ technique to lower your bag into your sous vide and cook your cod for 20 mins with the marinade. (Don’t try vacuum sealing as the marinade will be sucked out -unless you have fancy equipment).

Remove the cod and leave to cool for at least 10 mins.

Fry the cod in a VERY hot pan quickly to caramelise. (Don’t do this for too long otherwise the cod will overcook).

Serve, and enjoy the rich umaminess! Serve with my yuzu slaw.